šŸŒ»Edition 21: OpenAI DevDay

Nice Shoe @Sam, Is it Dalle3 Designed?

A Short Edition - Mainly Focused on the OpenAI DevDay.

āš”ļø New Model GPT 4 - Turbo

  • Context Length: 128K Token Length which means 300 Pages for a single book.

  • More Control - `Json Mode: On`: structured and predictable format, token savings. Do we need Langchain now?

  • Multiple Function Calling: Many actions/tools from a single prompt.

  • Better Knowledge: More smoothly grounding on documents and databases, less hallucination - RAG integration. Improved world knowledge: updated until Apr '23.

  • New Modalities: DALLĀ·E-3, GPT-4+Vision, TTS.

  • Customisation: Fine-tune gpt-3.5-16k and gpt-4, collaborate with OpenAI to create custom models.

  • Higher Rate Limits: 2x tokens per minute.

  • Cost: 128K-context GPT4 Turbo launched at one-third the input cost and half the output price of the current GPT-4 model! Input tokens cost 1 cent/1K Tokens, Output: 3 Cent/1K tokens.

āš”ļø 2008: App store - 2023: GPT store

Today, OpenAI announced they are releasing the ChatGPT Store, an App Store for ChatGPT 

  • Shopify Apps: 33,000 apps, $561M of revenue 

  • App Store: 1.8M apps, $910B of revenue 

  • ChatGPT Store: Probably millions of agents, billions of revenue soon

This feels like the actual Apple App Store competitor, not plug-ins. PLUS there is a rev share to builders! Looking forward to it.


āš”ļø Assistant API, aka Agents

OpenAI does chunking, embedding, and retrieval. Will we still need vector stores and LangChain?

OpenAI launches the Assistant API. 

  • Persistent threads.

  • Built-in retrieval.

  • Code interpreter.

This replaces a TON of 3rd party libraries/hand coded boilerplate code that developers need to build custom chatbots.

āš”ļø Is it The Startup Killer?

The release is not great news for the startup ecosystem.

  • OpenAI launched GPT-4 Turbo which has 128K context length and is 2.75x cheaper. Bad News for Anthropic and Cohere.

  • Text to Speech APIs, Impacted Startups: 11 Labs, PlayHT

  • Chat with your PDF - Strong Fight for Chatbase, ChatPDF, SiteGPT

  • Orchestrator - Langchain and LLamaindex, They need to find a solid use case.


I will publish the next edition on next Sunday.

This is the 22st Edition, If you have any feedback please donā€™t hesitate to share it with me, And if you love my work, do share it with your colleagues.

It takes time to research and document it - Please be a paid subscriber and support my work.





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